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Building for Birds series

Building for Birds Evaluation Tool: Breeding and Wintering Habitat for Forest Birds

UW417/WEC372 by Mark Hostetler and Jan-Michael ArcherJuly 19, 2021The "Building for Birds" online tool is designed to help decision makers evaluate different development scenarios and how they affect habitat for different species of forest birds that can use fragmented areas. The tool is most useful for small developments or developments in already fragmented landscapes. This publication explains how the tool can be used for forest birds in fragmented landscapes in any part of the United States.

Building for Birds Evaluation Tool: Built Areas as Habitat for Forest Birds

UW418/WEC373 by Mark Hostetler and Jan-Michael ArcherJuly 19, 2021A variety of forest birds use trees and shrubs in built areas (urban residential and commercial areas) as summer breeding sites and foraging/shelter sites during winter and spring/fall migration seasons. This publication explains how the "building for birds" online evaluation tool can help assess the impacts of different development plans on bird habitat so that decision makers can explore different designs and determine which may be best and conserve the most—and the best—bird habitat.

Building for Birds Evaluation Tool: Forest Fragments Used as Stopover Sites by Migrant Birds

UW416/WEC371 by Mark Hostetler and Jan-Michael ArcherJuly 19, 2021The "Building for Birds" online tool is designed to help decision makers evaluate different development scenarios and how they affect habitat for different species of forest birds that can use fragmented areas. The tool is most useful for small developments or developments in already fragmented landscapes. This publication explains how the tool can help preserve stopover sites for migrating birds.

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